Tuesday September 17, 2024, 8pm – 10pm (ET)

Doctor, I See Double”: Diagnosing and Managing Patients with Neurogenic Diplopia

Joe Sowka, OD
Course Description: There have been many recent advances in the area of neuro-ophthalmic disorders. This course examines a primary optometric approach to diagnosing neurogenic double vision with an emphasis on management of these patients. Pertinent information is provided to assist in properly neuroimaging patients, examining common neurogenic imposters, and differentiating serious from benign conditions to give the attendee an increased comfort level when patients say, “Doctor, I see double”.

What time in your time zone?
5:00pm PT
6:00pm MT
7:00pm CT
8:00pm ET

2 Hours Synchronous Virtual Credit Available:

COPE: 92222-NO
TX & SC: 20-1231630

Tuesday October 8, 2024, 8pm – 10pm (ET)

Mastering OCT Interpretation Through Case Analysis

Carolyn Majcher, O.D.
Course Description: Coming Soon

What time in your time zone?
5:00pm PT
6:00pm MT
7:00pm CT
8:00pm ET

2 Hours Synchronous Virtual Credit Available:

COPE: Pending
TX & SC: Pending

Sunday October 13, 2024, 7pm – 9pm (ET)

Metabolic Diseases: Updates and Systemic Interventions

Tracy Offerdahal, PharmD, BPharm, RPh, FAAO
Course Description: This course reviews common metabolic diseases, including diabetes mellitus (Type 2), hyperlipidemia, and thyroid disease. This course will describe recent updates in treatment guidelines and side effects associated with medications used in these diseases, as well as a discussion about the impact of epigenetics. Patient case anecdotes will be integrated into the presentation, where differential diagnosis and work-up will be discussed.

What time in your time zone?
4:00pm PT
5:00pm MT
6:00pm CT
7:00pm ET

2 Hours Synchronous Virtual Credit Available:

COPE: 90011-PH
TX & SC: Pending

Tuesday October 22, 2024, 8pm – 10pm (ET)

The Role of Laser in the Treatment of Glaucoma

Nate Lighthizer, O.D., F.A.A.O
Course Description: The use of laser energy, specifically laser peripheral iridotomy (LPI) and Selective Laser Trabeculoplasty (SLT), has been utilized in various forms of glaucoma for decades. They are accepted and relatively safe procedure performed by ophthalmologists nationwide, and optometrists in the states that allow OD’s to perform anterior segment laser procedures. Recently, evidence and arguments have emerged regarding LPI treatments possibly being overutilized. At the same time, evidence and arguments have emerged regarding SLT treatment being historically underutilized and now should be considered first line therapy. This interactive lecture will review and update clinical evidence and literature regarding laser peripheral iridotomy for narrow angle glaucoma and SLT for open angle glaucoma.

What time in your time zone?
5:00pm PT
6:00pm MT
7:00pm CT
8:00pm ET

2 Hours Synchronous Virtual Credit Available:

COPE: 92175-LP
TX & SC: 20-1225822

Free Webinar : Wednesday October 23, 2024, 8pm – 9pm (ET)

Cranial Conundrums

Joe Sowka, OD, FAAO
Course Description: 
Followed by Product Theater, Sponsored by Astellas Pharma US, Inc.

What time in your time zone?
5:00pm PT
6:00pm MT
7:00pm CT
8:00pm ET

2 Hours Synchronous Virtual Credit Available:

COPE: Pending

Wednesday October 23, 2024, 9pm – 10pm (ET)

Product Theater Sponsored by 


Tuesday October 29, 2024, 8pm – 10pm (ET)

TED, GCA, and MG: The Autoimmune Alphabet

Joe Sowka, OD, FAAO & Greg Caldwell, OD, FAAO
Course Description: This course with examine in detail the pathophysiologic mechanisms behind giant cell arteritis (GCAS), myasthenia gravis (MG) and thyroid eye disease (TED) and explain the requisite testing needed to diagnose each condition in suspect patients. Clinical features and pearls involved in diagnosing these autoimmune diseases will be detailed. Current treatments and advancements in management will also be addressed for each condition.

What time in your time zone?
5:00pm PT
6:00pm MT
7:00pm CT
8:00pm ET

2 Hours Synchronous Virtual Credit Available:

COPE: 92226-SD
TX & SC: 20-1224792

Sunday November 10, 2024, 7pm – 9pm (ET)

Pharmacology Update – Dry Eye, Blepharitis, Keratitis, and Ocular Disease

Greg Caldwell, OD, FAAO
Course Description: Every year the FDA approves numerous pharmaceuticals for treatment of diseases in the various medical therapeutic areas. This course will review the recently approved pharmaceuticals that are pertinent to blepharitis and dry eye disease. Indication of use, mechanism of action, and ocular side effects will be reviewed. When applicable case presentations will be used to show treatment benefit or adverse reaction.

What time in your time zone?
4:00pm PT
5:00pm MT
6:00pm CT
7:00pm ET

2 Hours Synchronous Virtual Credit Available:

COPE: Pending
TX & SC: Pending

Tuesday November 12, 2024, 8pm – 10pm (ET)

Emerging Questions in Glaucoma Management

Richard Madonna, OD
Course Description: Modern glaucoma management is challenging due to the rapid advancement of research and new technology that makes it very difficult to stay current. This course discusses approaches to some of the emerging questions in contemporary glaucoma management. Additions to the glaucoma evidence-base are emphasized along with real-life treatment approaches.

What time in your time zone?
5:00pm PT
6:00pm MT
7:00pm CT
8:00pm ET

2 Hours Synchronous Virtual Credit Available:

COPE: Pending
TX & SC: Pending

Tuesday November 19, 2024, 8pm – 10pm (ET)

Case Challenges in Retina

Mark Dunbar, OD
Course Description: Interesting retinal disease and glaucoma cases will be presented in a grand rounds style format. The focus will be on OCT imaging and how it can help in the diagnosis and management of conditions that we all see in our practices. Topics will include a potpourri of interesting cases from the common to the unusual.

What time in your time zone?
5:00pm PT
6:00pm MT
7:00pm CT
8:00pm ET

2 Hours Synchronous Virtual Credit Available:

COPE: Pending
TX & SC: Pending

Sunday November 24, 2024, 7pm – 9pm (ET)

Nightmares and Nonsense: Navigating Neuro-Op

Joe Sowka, OD, FAAO
Course Description: This course details in a case-based format the symptoms and clinical findings in patients with numerous clinical neuro-ophthalmic entities including Horner syndrome, pupil abnormalities, pituitary apoplexy, and giant cell arteritis. This course identifies the true neuro-ophthalmic urgencies and emergencies and provides numerous clinical pearls that practitioners can use to navigate through patients with neuro-ophthalmic disorders.

What time in your time zone?
4:00pm PT
5:00pm MT
6:00pm CT
7:00pm ET

2 Hours Synchronous Virtual Credit Available:

COPE: Pending
TX & SC: Pending

Monday November 25, 2024, 8pm – 10pm (ET)

Opioid Issues for the Patient and Practitioner

Greg Caldwell, OD, FAAO
Course Description: This is an oral pharmacology course that describes the appropriate use of opioid medications, with an emphasis on pain management within the scope of optometry and general pain management. Case anecdotes will include management of ocular pain, with specific emphasis on oral/systemic medications.  Opioid medications will be evaluated in terms of risk versus benefit, with an emphasis on appropriate use of pain medications, evaluation of potential addiction, and a description on how to protect both patient and practitioner.

What time in your time zone?
5:00pm PT
6:00pm MT
7:00pm CT
8:00pm ET

2 Hours Synchronous Virtual Credit Available:

COPE: Pending
TX & SC: Pending

Education Sponsored By:

Recorded Webinars

Weren’t able to join one of our live webinars? All of our webinars are recorded and published on our Youtube Channel within a few days. Click on the link below to view all recorded OEC webinars. CE credit is only available for live webinars.


Podcast Feature

Listen or watch Dr. Greg Caldwell on the Open Your Eyes Podcast with Dr. Kerry Gelb. This podcast about Understanding OCT can be listened to on YouTube at Part 1 & Part 2.